Soft Drinks with Sweeteners – A Dietary Alternative or a Harmful Habit? πŸ€”


Carbonated drinks, such as Coca-Cola, are often consumed worldwide. Many people choose versions of these drinks with sweeteners, considering them a healthier alternative to traditional sugar-sweetened beverages. But are sweetened drinks really healthier? Can they become a harmful habit? Coca-Cola Zero, the sugar-free version, contains water, carbon dioxide, E 150d dye, sweeteners: cyclamates, acesulfame-K, and aspartame, acid: phosphoric acid, natural flavors including caffeine, acidity regulator: sodium citrates, cinnamon extract.

Let’s take a closer look at the sweeteners contained in Coca-Cola.πŸ”Ž


Acesulfame-K, also known as E950, is an artificial sweetener that is about 200 times sweeter than sugar. However, its impact on health is still the subject of research, studies suggest that it can negatively affect metabolism, weight gain, and even cause diabetes. 


Cyclamates are a group of compounds that are about 30-50 times sweeter than sugar. Some studies from the 1970s showed that they can have a carcinogenic effect, i.e., increase the risk of cancer. 


Aspartame, also known as E951, is an artificial sweetener that is about 200 times sweeter than sugar. Although the allowable daily intake is 40 mg/kg body weight, the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified aspartame as potentially carcinogenic to humans (IARC group 2B).

Phosphoric Acid

Phosphoric acid, also known as E338, is used in Coca-Cola as an acidity regulator, which gives the drink a tart taste. Studies have shown that consumption of drinks containing phosphoric acid, such as Coca-Cola, can lead to a decrease in bone density. In addition, phosphoric acid can affect kidney health.

Weight gain effect? 

Artificial sweeteners have fewer calories than sugar. However, studies suggest that consuming artificially sweetened drinks can lead to weight gain.

One of the reasons is that artificial sweeteners can affect our sense of taste. They are much sweeter than sugar, which can increase our tolerance for sweet taste and make naturally sweet products, such as fruit, seem less sweet.

In addition, some studies suggest that artificial sweeteners can affect our metabolism and gut microbiota, which can lead to weight gain.

Finally, there is a theory that our brain responds to sweet taste, expecting calories. When the calories do not come, the brain may send signals that make us feel hungry, leading to eating more.

Impact on Dental Health 🦷

Carbonated drinks, such as Coca-Cola, can have a negative impact on dental health. Studies have shown that regular drinking of carbonated drinks leads to progressive enamel erosion, which is comparable to the effect of drug use.

Impact on Sexual Health β™‚

Carbonated drinks, such as Coca-Cola, can affect sexual health, including erection. Studies conducted on rodents have shown that consuming carbonated drinks can increase testicle size and raise testosterone levels. Testosterone is a key hormone responsible for men’s sexual health, including the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.


Although Coca-Cola Zero does not contain sugar, the sweeteners used in it can have a negative impact on health. Therefore, it is important to consume such drinks in moderation, or better yet, to exclude them altogether, and remember that the best choice for our health is always water πŸ’¦

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